Cost of Wedding Flowers, The Budget.

As a wedding florist, I meet couples everyday who come to me for advice on their wedding flowers – what to have, what’s in season and, more importantly, what it will all cost…?

I try to help as much as I can, giving advice and average spending.  Not only have I done lots of wedding flowers, I have also organised my own wedding, so I know how daunting and costly it can be. Some people say flowers should account for 10% of your total wedding budget. However, I have worked with couples who want to spend less and more. So, there really isn't an average when thinking about your wedding flowers.

Here I want to try and give you some useful hints and tips and expel some myths surrounding wedding flowers and show you where your hard earned cash goes.

One question I frequently get asked is ‘ Why does a Bridal Bouquet cost triple than that of a bouquet from a shop?” 

Simply put, it is made by using a completely different method, with personally selected premium flowers and foliage, with a great care to attention and detail.  All my bridal bouquets are finished off with beautiful hand dyed silks to compliment your colour scheme.

Most people choose to marry on a Saturday, although this trend is slowly changing, there are only so many weekends in a year!  I only do one wedding per weekend so that you have me and my skills exclusively.  It takes 5 days of work to complete the flowers for your wedding (2-3 prep days, the day itself and the day after - collecting, clearing and cleaning) You pay for all of this, plus the time spent meeting you, working through your ideas and theme.  

So, as you can see a lot of work goes on behind the scenes, and us florists want to get it absolutely perfect for you.  Although you have the flowers for a day, the photos last a lifetime.

Jemma x